Friday, March 15, 2013

South America Goodbye

We’re nearing the end of our South American adventure. Around 30
of us will be continuing to Hawaii. There will be a Coast Guard
inspection tomorrow so embarkation has been delayed. We don’t
know yet if sailing will also be delayed but I don’t see how they
will get everyone and everything aboard in time.

We have gone through a lot of temperature changes: hot to cold
to hot to cold with warm and cool thrown in. Since we’re nearing
San Francisco and especially since it’ still winter we’re back to cold.
Of course next week is Hawaii so warm, hot again.

We had a great presentation this morning by our maitre de and chef.
Also, several of the dining crew entertained us before and after. They
were really good. After being on this long you really get to know these
people. I was glad we aren’t leaving tomorrow. Of course our time
will come in a couple of weeks.

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