Saturday, March 2, 2013

Significant Numbers

We like to eat early and like a 2 person table hopefully adjacent to
another 2 person table. That way we can eat at our own speed and
still converse with someone. Unlike previous trips, we could not 
reserve our tables for the entire cruise because lots of passengers 
wanted a 2 person table. Therefore we had to get to dining room
early each night in order to get our table.

We did a good job and kept our table and became well acquainted
with the couple adjacent to us, Gloria and Richard from Spokane and
liked our waiter Marvin and his assistant Ferdie.

When we got to the second leg of our trip, the wait staff got 
reassigned and we found them and they had a 4 person table. So
since we got along well and ate at similar speeds, we took that table
and since we now had a 4 person table that belonged to us early and 
we didn’t have to worry about rushing down each night.

I had gold Foster because of when they married they were probably
about his age.  It turns out they were all born in 1937. Our table number 
was 37-a good number. Well, they moved Marvin and Ferdie back 
to their previous section and We could have the original 2 person tables
and have to show up early every night or create a 4 person table.
The maitre de said if they didn’t have a 4 person table they would make 
one. So a 6 person got changed to 4. They even replaced it the second
night so it fit better. Well, guess what? Our new table number is 55,
 the year Foster, Gloria, and Richard graduated from high school.
Another good year for them. Although the years do not have great
significance for me. I wasn’t born in ’37 and in ’55 I was 12 years
old and that is definitely not a good age. However the years are 
important to me because from them I got one of the best husbands 
in the world.

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