Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lord of the Sipan 2002

In 2002 we stopped at Guayaquil, Ecuador and went to the Lord of
The Sipan Tombs and a museum with containing artifacts from the

Captain McIntyre was on the tour with us and I commented to him
that we were probably not going anywhere he had not already
seen. He told me a story about when the tombs were first
discovered (by the way, a lot of looting and grave robbing had
taken place before the archaeologists were able to protect the
area). Captain McIntyre was on a photography shoot in Brazil and                     
had spent a lot of money to hire a plane to get the aerial photographs
he wanted. He made a phone call to his wife & she told him National
Geographic was trying to contact him to photograph a new
archaeological site that had recently been discovered. Since
he had gone to several so-called new finds in the past which
had turned out to be duds & since he had this large investment
in photographing Brazil he chose not to go and consequently
was not the first person to photograph these tombs-a mistake
he now regrets.

The tombs were quite interesting. The actual remains, pottery
jewelry… are in the museum but replicas had been made for
the tombs so people could see what they looked like. The actual
skeleton of the Lord of Sipan has toured the world but is back
in a museum in Peru. This discovery has been compared with
that of King Tut.

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