Monday, March 4, 2013

Cuzco 2002

Wake up call at 3:15! We’re ready and raring to go by 4:00.
Passports are distributed; we board the bus, head to the airport
& wait on the bus 30-45 minutes with no info from our guide.           
Finally we are escorted to the plane, distributed boarding passes
with no attempt to match names.  We have an uneventful 1 hr
trip, are picked up by our local guide & escorted to our bus & on
to the hotel.

We are served coca tea which is supposed to help us acclimate to
the 11,000+ altitude & encouraged to rest and hopefully nap until
lunch at 12:00. I’m glad to say I was able to nap & fortunately
woke up easily. At lunch out we found the people on the second
plane was delayed. Their flight was cancelled due to mechanical
problems & they sat on their bus for around 3 hours, did not leave
until after 9:00 (We left around 5:45-6:00) & consequently had no
chance to rest. This is definitely one time I’m glad we were
assigned to the first group.

After lunch we had a city tour of Cuzco. It was very interesting, we
went to a Cathedral adjacent to our excellent hotel, to a mestzo
Cathedral which combines various types of architecture & although
a catholic church as many statues with Inca/Andean ideas

We also visited archaeological sites-Saqsaywaman (Almost
pronounced sexy woman), Pukapukra, and Tambomachay. We drove
to an altitude of 13,600 ft & a couple of people on our bus had to
have oxygen. One lady had a really difficult time. When we made
 our last stop for shopping, she & others were returned to the

We attended a folk show at a local restaurant for dinner. It was
very nice but we didn’t stay until the end because of another
early morning tomorrow. I didn’t see a lot of the dancing because
I was standing in the buffet line & later eating. I enjoyed what I
did see & the musicians afterwards were excellent. We were served
pisco sours, a South American drink similar to whiskey sour.

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