Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Manta 2002 and 2013


Our city tour of Manta was a disappointment. However, I think
we should all be exposed periodically to the poverty and filth of
other countries to have a greater appreciation of what we have
One thing new & clean was a cathedral. The previous one was hit
by an airplane 4 yrs ago & completely rebuilt. It was quite a
contrast to the other cathedrals we usually see on tours. The
statue of the Virgin Mary was the only part not destroyed & is
part of the new cathedral.

There were a lot of children outside & they looked healthy & did
not ask for money to have their picture taken.


We’ve traveled worldwide since I wrote the above, but I still feel
we  need to be exposed to the awful conditions some people live
with to really appreciate what we have.

Last trip I bought a t-shirt with a beautiful embroidery so I decided
to go to the Artisian Mall today just in case I could find an
embroidered garment I could us as a nightshirt. I bought a “dress”
which is larger and longer than I like but has lovely embroidery.

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