Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Machu Picchu 2002

Up at 4:00 Am again to get the 6:00 Am train to Machu Picchu.
It is about a 3 ½ hour train ride, then a 30 minute bus ride. We
have to go thru switch backs for several miles as we rise about
300 meters. Then we start descending.

After about 1 ½ to 2 hours we enter the Sacred Valley & the
scenery thru it is very beautiful. I try to get a few photographs
but it is difficult with the train moving and windows up.
I am writing this now as we are sitting on the railroad track
about 3 ½ miles from our destination because a truck fell off a
bridge On to the track & damaged it. We hope it will be repaired
in an hour. I don’t know how they can do it that quickly. Of course I
don’t know how long ago this happened & how long they’ve been
working on it. Of course we’re all disappointed & wondering how
it will affect the rest of the day.

But everyone is taking it in stride. Well, it seems Foster
misunderstood. It was rock on the rail & indeed when the rock
was removed, they found the rail damaged. A new rail was sent
up a short while ago & we are now reboarding & hope to be
on our way soon. It has been over 1 ½ hours. We are hoping
to have our scheduled time at MP which means everything
is moved back about 2 hours. We are looking at another short

Well, the rain gods greeted us at MP. We had lunch at the train
station restaurant and had a 30 minute bus ride up to MP. The
weather was nice at that time & so I checked a lot of my
belongings including the sleeves of my jacket. After only a few
minutes the Rain started. At first it would come & go. Finally
it set in for good.

MP was very interesting & fun to see, but I left there soaking wet.
I’m glad we went, but hope to go again for a longer time-to both
MP & Cuzco, which gets shoved into the background but has a
lot of interesting things to see.

The road to MP is zigzag & on the way down, we’re accompanied
by a young boy dressed as an Andean runner (messenger). He would
run between the zigzags & greet us as we turned corners (hairpin
curves). He met us at the bottom & jumped on the bus for his tip.
There are several of these boys who follow the buses. I don’t know
how many trips thay make a day, but these young boys probably
make a good salary for their family.

We left the train early for the buses and saved about an hour on
the return trip arriving about 8:00 PM.

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