Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Palm Sunday Part 1

What a day!

When we came into Maui the sky was almost covered
with clouds. I was concerned about our helicopter ride.
The clouds did not all go away, but we still had a fantastic

We went first to Molokai and then returned over our
ship back to Maui. We flew over and around mountains,
saw lots of waterfalls, and the reef around Molokai was
beautiful. Just the experience of seeing all this from the
air is incredible.

Since we were tendering, we did not want to go back to
the ship before our afternoon tour, so had lunch at a
local restaurant. We had seats at the bar and could watch
the NCAA. We did not get to see FGCU win but knew they
were close at halftime and I reminded Foster they were a
good second half team. We were delighted when we got
back to find out they had won. Way to go Eagles!

While we were sitting at the bar a waitress came by to pick
up beverages and Foster began talking to her. She said she
was born in Maui but attended high school in West Virginia
and Florida. We found out it was in Fort Myers and the
school she attended is very near us. Small world.

1 comment:

  1. You all make amazing connections all around the world!
