Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pal Sunday Part 2, WHALES!

Our afternoon adventure was incredible! I have not had
an interest in whale watching until recently. We keep sailing
through areas that have lots of whales and I never see any.
I decided we would have to take a tour and hope we saw

 Did we ever pick the right day and time. We saw whales
Whales, and more whales. It was fantastic. People were moving
all over the boat trying to see them.

Whales do not surface and hang around, so you have to focus
quickly. The boat is not steady. Sometimes it bounces really
bad. Therefore, it is difficult to get good pictures. But I promise
you everyone was ecstatic at the number of surfacings we saw.
The guide with us described what we were seeing.

We saw a mother and calf with her escort several times. We
saw two whales that seemed to be trying to make a claim on a
female. We saw tails surfacing, we saw flukes. And we just
saw lots of whales.

It was an incredible new experience. We couldn’t have asked
for a better day.

After dinner as I was walking outside, we saw a small whale near
the ship. It was so small I wondered if it were really a whale,
but was told it was a calf. It had a small tail compared to most we
had seen earlier.

Then to top the day off, a beautiful full moon.

It was a really wonderful Palm Sunday.

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