Friday, March 1, 2013


We had an all day tour today. Our first stop about 1 ¼ hour away was the
Enchanted Valley to view petroglyphs. They were discovered in 1946
and are estimated to be about 4000 years old. There were a lot of stone
carvings some easier to interpret than others. Some had round holes
that might have been used to grind things. The carvings were marked
with large numbers painted nearby pointing to the figures. If you had
a book showing the pictures and numbers matched it would have
probably made it easier to recognize the figures. It was very nice
and all enjoyed it.

We then stopped at a local winery for a tour and tasting. Later we 
stopped for lunch at a local restaurant. A nice day.

1 comment:

  1. The petroglyphs sounds very interesting! Spoke to Elaine this morning...she told me to tell you how much she is enjoying your blog and pics...she is reading from her Smartphone and does not use laptop...thus reason for not commenting on your blog...she said that you would understand. :)
