Saturday, March 30, 2013

Last Day, Boo Hoo

Packing day, how awful! It has been a wonderful trip.

 We have seen a lot of beautiful places from land, sea, and air.

The guest speakers we had throughout the trip definitely
did their job as “enrichment speakers.

First we had our maritime expert who told wonderful stories
about cruising through the years.

Then we had both a former NASA employee and a naturalist
who works with the Hawaiian volcanoes, and they gave very
Interesting presentations. (Two more today).

I won’t close this blog until after we get home because I
may remember things I want to add.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Moon over Pacific

I told you about the moon. The next night it was one of the most
beautiful moons I have ever seen. We got some pictures but they
did not capture the full beauty.

A Distant View
A Little Closer
Really Close

After Dark
In the Clouds

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


One of the few we captured on film
It was there
At a distance\
A Nice Picture (finally)
Almost caught it
See what I mean about trying to 
photograph around others

Pal Sunday Part 2, WHALES!

Our afternoon adventure was incredible! I have not had
an interest in whale watching until recently. We keep sailing
through areas that have lots of whales and I never see any.
I decided we would have to take a tour and hope we saw

 Did we ever pick the right day and time. We saw whales
Whales, and more whales. It was fantastic. People were moving
all over the boat trying to see them.

Whales do not surface and hang around, so you have to focus
quickly. The boat is not steady. Sometimes it bounces really
bad. Therefore, it is difficult to get good pictures. But I promise
you everyone was ecstatic at the number of surfacings we saw.
The guide with us described what we were seeing.

We saw a mother and calf with her escort several times. We
saw two whales that seemed to be trying to make a claim on a
female. We saw tails surfacing, we saw flukes. And we just
saw lots of whales.

It was an incredible new experience. We couldn’t have asked
for a better day.

After dinner as I was walking outside, we saw a small whale near
the ship. It was so small I wondered if it were really a whale,
but was told it was a calf. It had a small tail compared to most we
had seen earlier.

Then to top the day off, a beautiful full moon.

It was a really wonderful Palm Sunday.

Maui Helicopter View and Beyond

Grand Princess from Helicopter

Maui Mountains and Valley

More Maui Mountains and Valley 
Foster and Linda after great helicopter ride 
World's Largest Banyan Tree?

And this is not the Complete Tree

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Aerial Views of Molokai

More Coastline 
And More Coastline
Mountains and Valley 
Closeup of Reef

Palm Sunday Part 1

What a day!

When we came into Maui the sky was almost covered
with clouds. I was concerned about our helicopter ride.
The clouds did not all go away, but we still had a fantastic

We went first to Molokai and then returned over our
ship back to Maui. We flew over and around mountains,
saw lots of waterfalls, and the reef around Molokai was
beautiful. Just the experience of seeing all this from the
air is incredible.

Since we were tendering, we did not want to go back to
the ship before our afternoon tour, so had lunch at a
local restaurant. We had seats at the bar and could watch
the NCAA. We did not get to see FGCU win but knew they
were close at halftime and I reminded Foster they were a
good second half team. We were delighted when we got
back to find out they had won. Way to go Eagles!

While we were sitting at the bar a waitress came by to pick
up beverages and Foster began talking to her. She said she
was born in Maui but attended high school in West Virginia
and Florida. We found out it was in Fort Myers and the
school she attended is very near us. Small world.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

All grown up Hawaiian Children's Hula Dancer

Hawaiian Children's Hula Dancers

Last night we were entertained by the Children's Hawaiian Children's Dancers.
They were delightful.

More Hawaiian Children's Hula Dancers

Two more young hula dancers
Narrator and dancer
More Hula

Hawaiian Children's Hula Dancers

Young Dancers
One of the beautiful young girls
More of the lovely girls
Dancing the Hula
More Hula


We have been to Kauai three times before and two times we took
the helicopter tour. Obviously we liked it or we would not have
done it again. We had never done a helicopter on the big island
although we had done one on Maui, but they have another that
also includes Molokai so we chose the ones we had not done before.
Maybe we’ll be back and can do Kauai again.

On two of our trips here we visited the Fern Grotto which is really

We have some beautiful pictures of Kauai but we were here long
before digital cameras so all our pictures are either slides or

Brandi and Foster

Brandi and Foster

Lunch with Brandi

I forgot to tell you we had lunch with our “almost next door
neighbor” on her last day here. Brandi is a very nice person.
When I asked her about getting back on ship with her passenger
in transit card, she said she stayed with an elderly couple who
needed help. She tried to explain to the people near her what
was going on because they did not know what was causing the
delay. Hopefully she will be on a future cruise with us.

Friday, March 22, 2013

March Madness

We did not get the NCAA game shown on our schedule much to
my delight. Instead we got FGCU vs Georgetown. So we got to
see our home team pull a major upset.

We moved to Fort Myers in 1997. That same year just a short
distance from where we were renting while waiting on our coach
home to be built, a new university opened-FGCU. We have grown
up with them and watched it grow into a very good school. The
sports teams have done very well as they’ve gone through various
divisions on the way to Division I.  Most people didn’t know who
FGCU was. Now the March Madness fans do.


Steam along ocean
Note the trees. More than 100 homes were
destroyed during this recent erruption
What a way to see a volcano
Not a lot, but at least we saw some lava
More volcano
Nice view of Kilauea 
A little more lava
Returned from great trip


Appetizers and champagne in galley
One of the many appetizers and a beautiful carving
A Real Bread Basket
Linda and Foster with Chef Jeremy