Friday, February 22, 2013


In 2002 I got off the ship in Ushuaia to get a T-shirt but Foster did
not leave ship. This year we decided to take the southernmost
Railway. It was a nice ride into Tierra del Fuego National Park. The
train was different. It had private carriages that only opened outside,
no aisle. The railway used to transport prisoners to work and probably
the carriages were made like that.

We were supposed to dock but for some reason, the Argentines would
not allow us to. Since we couldn’t stop at Falklands, that’s not the
reason I just think they don’t like us. Anyway, we had to anchor and
use tenders. They only allowed us one drop off point and things moved
slowly. When we left for our tour, there was a line waiting to board and
we Thought it would be less when we returned. Instead it had got much
longer. We had to stand in the cold and occasional sprinkles about
1 ½ hours. Even with 3-4 layers top and 2 lower, it was cold. I had left
my rain pants and was annoyed at myself. The average “summer”
temperature is 55 degrees F, way too cold for me. It felt much colder
yesterday. The ship's crew delivered beach towels to give us a little
more cover. Definitely a day to remember

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