Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Iguassu Falls 2002 Day 1

Iguassu Falls Day 1 2002

I am often asked where the favorite place I have visited is. My journal
entry from 2002 explains it better than I can after 11 years.

We arrived about 3:00 PM and after a short trip to our hotel
were treated to some of the most spectacular view in the world.
I thought our hotel was away from the falls-was I ever wrong!
As Foster was registering I looked out the window and there they
were! But the icing on the cake=by the luck of the draw we were
on the 3rd (top) floor facing the falls. When we opened our door it
was breathtaking. I would have been content to sit in our room
and look out the rest of the day. But that was not to be. There was
still much more to be seen.

We walked about ½ mile to a small train station. After exiting the
train we walked and walked over bridges thru wet and green areas
until the falls came into view. As one lady said “indescribable”. Over
and over again we were overwhelmed. This was just the beginning
of the many views we would have of the multitude of falls that make
up Iguassu.

The falls are 2.5 miles across, 250 separate “jumps”,  taller than
and twice as wide as Niagara Falls.

After another train ride we took a shorter walk to another spectacular
view & it isn’t just at the end of the walk where you see the falls,
there are several stops along the way for more & different views.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, there is more.
By now it is getting late but for the more adventurous (including
Linda) there is one more walk. This is down many steps and again
There are many stoops along the way. Fortunately this is a
“circuit trip” and the walk back is along a sloping walkway.

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