Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rio de Janeiro 2002

We spent 3 days in Rio in 2002.

…Beautiful view sailing in. Excellent distant view of Christ
the Redeemer statue and Sugarloaf.

Day 1
Took a jeep tour geared for nature lovers. Rode bus to Botanical
Gardens where we spent about an hour then boarded jeep and
rode through Tisuca National Park. The vegetation was lovely,
similar to a rainforest. From Chinese lookout we had a great
view of Corcovado (Christ the Redeemer Statue) and Sugarloaf
and a great view of Rio and Ipanema Beach.

Day 2
Took tour to Corcovado Mt. and Christ the Redeemer Statue.
It is very large, something like 400 ft tall and 150 feet wide.
It is famous worldwide and symbolizes welcome to Rio. On
return trip to ship we rode by Leblon, Ipenema and Copacabana

Day 3

Took morning helicopter flight over Rio. We went around Christ
the Redeemer Statue and flew over Sugarloaf and beaches.
Later we went to Sugarloaf and picked a good time when it wasn’t
very crowded. We had beautiful views of Christ the Redeemer
Statue, beaches and city.

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