Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Wednesday, land ahoy.
We are in Fortaleza, Brazil today. We took a shuttle into town
this morning. Surprisingly it was not super hot. There was a cloud
cover and the temperature was only ~78 degrees. But the
humidity is so high, it is still very warm. This afternoon it is
over 84 which probably equates to over 90 humiture. We’ve
been warned it will probably get warmer as we continue to

I left Foster waiting in the shade and walked to a nearby fort.
On the way back as I was waiting to cross the street, a lady
my camera dangle from my arm, but to hold it in my hand. I
had forgotten about being careful. That was a very nice gesture

Since we went out early crowds weren’t too bad. But our next
two stops are much larger cities with huge carnival celebrations.
I am glad we have already visited both of them since we may stay
on or near ship.

I am glad my blog isn’t being graded for grammar. I would go nuts
trying to make corrections.

1 comment:

  1. No worry about receiving a grade for the grammar...this is a "texting" generation!
