Thursday, February 7, 2013

On Board Olympia Explorer 2002

We thoroughly enjoyed our 2002 circumnavigation of SA. We
had a wonderful small ship and excellent enrichment speakers.
Ted, an astronomer who put together eclipse cruises was in
charge of the enrichment program. Participants included:

Captain Loren McIntyre
            I like to call him a modern day explorer. He traveled
            and photographed Brazil and other SA countries. He
            had at least two National Geographic covers. His lectures
            covered many not often seen areas of SA. We visited
a recently discovered archaeological site and he said he
was doing a photography shoot in Brazil and when he
checked in with his wife she said National Geographic was
trying to contact him to  photograph this site, but he had
to turn it down because  he had invested a lot of money
(airline pilot) for the shoot he was doing and couldn’t afford
to leave, thus missing the opportunity to be the first to
photograph this site.

Sergei Khrushchev
               Son of Nikita and professor at Brown University
               We first heard Sergei on a Mediterranean cruise shortly after
               he obtained American citizenship. It was so interesting
               to hear the other side of the story. Having lived through
               his father’s leadership, at first it was amazing to realize
               who we were talking and listening to.

Chef Andre Soltner
               Owner and head chef of Lutece restaurant in NYC

These were the top three favorite speakers the cruise line used
And we had them all at the same time.
But we also had others

You can see how we got spoiled for future cruises. We have
heard many excellent speakers, but never of the quality and
quantity of those on Royal Olympic. We were very disappointed
when they went out of business.

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