Monday, February 11, 2013

RIo 2013

Sunday and we are in Rio on the first day of carnival. We are one
of eight ships and according to Sami 5,000,000, yes, million additional
people are in the city.
We had a good view of Sugarloaf coming in but clouds were hiding
Corcovado. Hopefully it will be clearer when we sail tomorrow. I’m
glad we were here before and saw so much because I do not want
to get into these crowds.
It was crazy outside early with all the tour buses lined up and trying
to leave. I’m glad I wasn’t on one. We went as far as the terminal.
I had hoped to get a carnaval (I found out I was spelling it wrong)
souvenir but the selection was limited and I didn’t find anything I
We had a folkloric show “Brasileirissimo” tonight. It was good,
especially considering the best shows were at carnaval.
I have no idea how many attended the $750 Carnaval. In our many
Travels I have had to contend with crowds in airports and terminals
But I usually have control over my own space and can move about
I do not like being in large crowd when I have no control of my own
movement. The crowd at the terminal is bad enough.

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