Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Iguassu Falls Day 2

We rode to the Brazilian side of the falls and got more
spectacular views. After that we drove to the boat ride.  We
rode a large 40 passenger vehicle through the jungle. It was
a beautiful ride. I would love to walk it. We then transferred
to jeeps for a short trip to the boats. We about a 15 minute
ride and saw the falls from the bottom and got close enough
to get a little wet. I would have liked to get a little closer.
Back up to the bus thru the jungle.

We then sent the majority of our group to lunch but a few
of us forked out some more money so we could take a
helicopter ride. It was wonderful-a totally different perspective
and seeing so much at once. It was just much too short.

We got to see Iguassu Falls from land water and air and saw
so much so many different ways. But never enough.

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