Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 1 at Sea

The devotional in Upper Room this morning was about
moving away from what is familiar (eg mountains) and
adjusting to no mountains.
There is a beautiful moon and since I am usually up
walking long before sunrise I was able to enjoy its beauty.
The moon reminds me that no matter where in the
world I am, God is there
We had a nondenominational worship service this morning
and I was delighted to find a semi retired Methodist
Minister would be conducting services on this trip.

It’s still hard to believe we are actually on the ship. It’s
almost like this trip slipped up on us. January was so busy.
Now that we have unpacked the too much we brought,
it’s time to relax. But here it is almost noon Sunday and
I still haven’t had a chance to read on my nook. This
afternoon we have an enrichment lecture immediately
followed by line dancing.  Things should get better now
that we are settled in, but there will still be busy days.

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