Thursday, January 31, 2013

St. John 2002

We visited St. John from St. Thomas in 2002.

Isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today we were in Antigua. We have been here the last three years and
did not get off the ship today. This afternoon we went to see The Last
Exotic Marigold Hotel in the Princess theater.  It was very good. Just the
cast (Judi Dench, Maggie Smith…) makes it worth seeing. Tonight we 
are going to Showtime. Vocalist Jamila, who performed a couple
of nights ago will be giving a second show before she leaves ship
 in Trinidad.  Her previous show was very good. I am very glad
 that we have been having 7:00 PM shows. The attendance was 
good, so I hope they will continue with early times.

Great show tonight.
We have been hoping to catch up with Sami, our cruise director to verify
she was our cruise director from our 2002 trip on Olympia Voyager. 
We finally did tonight and yes she is and we had a nice but short reunion
 (right before show). She said she is still in touch with some of th
 people  from that trip so we hope to have a chance to chat with her 
and hear about  some of the people we remember from that cruise.

St. Thomas

Tuesday we were in St. Thomas. We’ve been here many times. We went
ashore and picked up a couple of items at Kmart and purchased some

I’ve decided to give myself a couple of days a week off from my morning
walk, Tuesdays and Saturdays. I will still do my short after meal walks.
Since we went ashore twice today and had to find the stores, I walked
almost as much as normal. Saturday we will be at sea so that will be a
real walking holiday.

When we were here in 2002 we took a tour of St. John’s. It is a beautiful
Island and I have posted a few pictures.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lots of Enrighment

Today we had 3 presentations. The first was Astronomer Peter Esca
Peterson, second was our maritime historian, and third was enrichment
lecturer Evon Anderson who spoke about Bermuda Triangle.  All are
good but the maritime historian is exceptional. Apparently people
spread the word about how good yesterday’s presentation was because
the Princess Theater was packed like it was a production show. Todays
presentation was even better than yesterday’s.

Tomorrow begins 4 consecutive days in port. We do not have any shore
Excursions planned any time soon.

We have been advised that because of Carnival, things may be hectic in
Salvador and Rio.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

First Day Activities

Our guest lecturer today was John Maxtone-Graham, born 1930.
He is a maritime historian who has written many books. The lecture
was excellent. I’m looking forward to hearing more. This is an ideal
audience for him. There are many people aboard who have sailed
much more than us, having taken one or more world cruises.

I left early to get to line dancing. (Again two things I want to do
and they either or at the same time or overlap). We had a huge crowd.
I don’t know how many will make it to the end of the cruise.

Tonight was the Captain’s cocktail party with the champagne waterfall.
What a waste of champagne.

Day 1 at Sea

The devotional in Upper Room this morning was about
moving away from what is familiar (eg mountains) and
adjusting to no mountains.
There is a beautiful moon and since I am usually up
walking long before sunrise I was able to enjoy its beauty.
The moon reminds me that no matter where in the
world I am, God is there
We had a nondenominational worship service this morning
and I was delighted to find a semi retired Methodist
Minister would be conducting services on this trip.

It’s still hard to believe we are actually on the ship. It’s
almost like this trip slipped up on us. January was so busy.
Now that we have unpacked the too much we brought,
it’s time to relax. But here it is almost noon Sunday and
I still haven’t had a chance to read on my nook. This
afternoon we have an enrichment lecture immediately
followed by line dancing.  Things should get better now
that we are settled in, but there will still be busy days.

Embarkation Day

We had a 10:00 AM bus to Port Everglades but did
not arrive until after 11:00 since we were the 6th and
last ship for drop off. After about 30 to 45 minutes
waiting in line to get through security, we had about
another half hour waiting to board. We were on before
1:00 which is good.

After lunch in the dining room-had to have the grand
marnier soufflé, we were in and out of our cabin hoping
to find our luggage. Slowly it showed up. The boat drill
scheduled for 3:15 was moved to 4:30 because of late
plane arrivals. When we arrived back in our cabin all
but one piece of luggage was there and it arrived during
dinner Because of the late arrivals and trying to load
as much as possible for this long trip, we were a couple
of hours late leaving.


     Not bad for two old codgers. Itinerary on front of Foster's shirt

                                                 Back of shirt

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Almost ready to go

We head to Fort Lauderdale tomorrow and are more
or less packed. Hopefully nothing has been forgotten.
Checklists help a lot
I have been uploading pictures from our 2002 trip which
I will post later

Saturday, January 19, 2013

One week from today we board the Grand Princess
for our next adventure. I will probably have had
one of my favorite desserts which has been served
on sailing day on our last few cruises-
grand marnier soufflé.

As many of you know, we cruised around South
America in 2002. Even though that was only 11
years ago, we did not have a digital camera and
computer access on the ship was limited and
expensive and if blogs existed I was unaware of it.

However, I did keep a journal the old fashioned way.

Since we are visiting some of the same places,
we will  not be taking as many shore excursions
as before.  But since we have been there and
have I have recorded our experience, I will be
posting some adventures from  our previous trip.
I will make note of the date so you will know
which are then vs now.

 I was having a terrible time trying to download
pictures. I found out a neighbor was an expert
and he not only fixed the problem but fixed our
computers. I finally have a grandchild.

Our Itinerary:

1/26   Fort Lauderdale             2/27    Santiago
1/27   At Sea                            2/28    La Serena
1/28   At Sea                            3/1      At Sea
1/29   St Thomas                     3/2     At Sea
1/30   Antigua                          3/3      Lima
1/31   Barbados                       3/4      Lima
2/1     Trinidad                         3/5      At Sea
2/2     At Sea                            3/6      Manta
2/3     At Sea                            3/7      At Sea
2/4     At Sea                            3/8      Puntarenas
2/5     At Sea                          3/9     San Juan del Sur
2/6     At Sea                            3/10    At Sea
2/7     At Sea                            3/11    At Sea
2/8     Salvador                        3/12    At Sea
2/9     At Sea                          3/13    Cabo san Lucas
2/10   Rio de Janeiro               3/14    At Sea
2/11   Rio de Janeiro               3/15    At Sea
2/12   At Sea                            3/16    San Francisco
2/13   At Sea                            3/17    At Sea
2/14   Buenos Aires                3/18    At Sea
2/15   Montevideo                   3/19   At Sea
2/16  At Sea                            3/20    At Sea
2/17   Puerto Madryn             3/21     Hilo
2/18   At Sea                           3/22    Honolulu
2/19   Falkland Islands           3/23    Kauai
2/20   Cape Horn (Cruise)      3/24    Maui
2/21   Ushuaia                         3/25    At Sea
2/22   Punta Arenas                3/26    At Sea
2/23   Amalia Glacier (Cruise)3/27    At Sea
2/24   At Sea                           3/28    At Sea
2/25   Puerto Montt                3/29    Ensenada
2/26   At Sea                           3/30   At Sea
                                                3/31   San Francisco


Below is a map of our upcoming trip.